About Page

This website went through 3 redesigns, the first 2 designs used a library called XP.css. Now I use my own custom design.
It's pretty lightweight, and I tried to keep JavaScript usage to minimum.

Well, let's get to the point.
This website is a nicer hub for my GitHub profile.

  • The "Home" page is, well, the home tab. The main "entrance", if you will.
  • The "Posts" page will pretty much have random blog posts about random things that I decide to randomly write about at random intervals.
  • The "Projects" page will contain an organized tree view of my most notable projects (which aren't many).
  • And the "About" page is what you are reading now!
Anyways, this as I said before, this website was built using something called XP.css during its first 2 designs.
Now you may be asking, "but why did you remove it? It looked so unique!". Well, it wasn't very mobile-friendly.
Hell, it wasn't even small-screen friendly! It also suffered from issues such as barely readable fonts, half-pixel scaling weirdness, and other garbage.

So instead, I decided to make my own design FROM SCRATCH. Yes, I also wanted to keep it retro.
And after many days of extreme hyperfixation, here it is! The website you're looking at right now.

Isn't it cool? It even has mobile support! I know it's not something to brag about nowadays, but it is for me.

Do you have any opinions on my website? Head over here and create a discussion!

Trigger Warning! Mentions of suicide below.

In Memory of Ekaterina "BerkeliumAsset"

Suicide is something that can happen to the people closest to you. Unfortunately, it has happened to us with our dearest friend BerkeliumAsset.

On the 25th of November 2021, CaptainCrunch has received a WhatsApp message from BerkeliumAsset's mother telling us about her suicide.

Berk was a sweet person, with dreams, loving friends, and a nice personality, but she has committed suicide.
We didn't help her because she seemed okay the night before, but it seems that she had personal problems she did not want to tell us about.
Berk was a great friend, and she helped me in sad times, especially when I discovered my gender identity.

Wherever you are now, I hope you're happier than ever before.
I miss you so much, Berk. I'm sorry I didn't realize what was happening when you messaged me.

May she rest in peace.